
Sample web application in java using eclipse
Sample web application in java using eclipse

sample web application in java using eclipse

The EJB client JAR is a Java utility project named LeaguePlanetEJBClientProject. The EJB module is divided into an EJB project and the EJB client project. The Web application module is going to be a dynamic Web project with the same name. The EAR project has two modules: LeaguePlanetWebProject, a Web application module and LeaguePlanetEJBProject, an EJB module. To create this structure, you will use a J2EE Enterprise Application Project (see Figure 6.28). The enterprise application project will be used to assemble the modules as a single coherent unit. For example, the presentation layers will correspond to a dynamic Web project with a Web application module and the business logic layer to an EJB project with an EJB module. In this example, each architectural application layer will correspond to a project. Adherence to standards reduces the behavioral discrepancies between the runtime and the development environments. These projects map to the J2EE specification in a straightforward way and can be created using wizard defaults. This is recommended if you do not have a compelling reason to do it another way. Using the J2EE application deployment specification as a template, you will create an enterprise application with multiple modules.

sample web application in java using eclipse

The examples we'll discuss are a basic enterprise application, dividing a Web module into multiple projects, and using Maven for Web application development. You can extend and customize these examples to fit your needs. These best practices provide different styles of projects for Web and J2EE development. It is time to discover how you can create some interesting projects.

sample web application in java using eclipse

Eclipse Web Tools Platform: Developing Java Web Applications

Sample web application in java using eclipse